Thursday, October 25, 2012

Brody's First School Days

I am so glad to finally have some pictures that tell the tale of Brody's school experience.  And oh my goodness, can it get any cuter than this group of little one year olds?  It looks like there are only 2 girls in a sea of little boy cuteness.  I figured out several unanswered questions from these pictures.

Look at all that cuteness.  I love Brody's mouth open gaze.  He was really paying attention to somebody. 

Bubble fun.  Yes, you can see evidence of his artwork on his shirt.  I am usually saved from seeing this proof because Daddy has already taken the clothes, sprayed them, and put them in the laundry by the time I get home.  

Do you want to guess how they get them all to sit in their seats and not get up?  

That's right, folks, they are strapped into their little high chair seats.  Ha!  In Evan's old daycare/preschool one year old room, the kids actually had to sit in little chairs so they had to learn a lot about listening and being still. 
Snack Time!

The whole group enjoying snack together.  Brody loves drinking his water from his straw cup.   He hates sippy cups because he doesn't like having to turn it up to get the drink out.  If we give him a sippy cup, he'll bring it to us and put it in our hand so that we hold it for him.  Silly boy!

Being "read" to by his girlfriend, perhaps?  
This was actually Brody's favorite art project.  He has brought home two of these shakers - a yellow and a green one.  Those are two of the colors they have been working on. 
Putting in the yellow objects.  He loves doing it by himself. 

So happy to be doing something by himself.  Makes me a little sad to see my baby acting like a big boy!

And the yellow crayon too.
Checking out his finished shaker.

Brody says it is time for his nap so he's going to use the baby doll's bed.  Ha!


  1. It's actually great that Brody prefers a cup with a straw to a sippy cup. Sippy cups are horrible for tongue positioning, swallowing, jaw/bite relationships and teeth. Sippy cups are not allowed in our house.

    It looks like Brody is a very busy guy at school. The picture of all the 1 year olds made me shudder a little bit. I have a hard enough time handling 1 at a time!

    1. Ha! Good thing both of my kids always preferred straws. I would just give him a regular cup at home, but he'd spill it everywhere. He likes to "shake" his cup a lot. :-) He does drink well from a regular cup though. Yeah, a room full of one year olds could be a challenge, but I think "strapping them in" does help keep things pretty calm. Ha! Plus, they are only there for 3 and 1/2 hours. Can you imagine daycare where they are there 8 or more hours? Yikes!

  2. Those are some super-cute pictures. I love those first crafts -- they are so sweet!

    1. Me too! I have got to get a better system for organizing crafts because my desk is piling up this year. Ha!

  3. I just love how little kids love to learn. I hate as they get older they get jaded and hate school because look how much they love it in these photos!

    1. I know, Nicole -- I am dreading the day my boys don't want to go to school. I really don't know if that will happen to my oldest though; he's really "intellectual" and loves to be challenged! So far, Brody seems to be a tad more rambunctious so he might be a different story. We'll see! :-)


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