Monday, October 29, 2012

Brody ~ 18 Months!

Wow, 18 months!  A year and a half?  That really seems like such a long time, but it seems like just yesterday this precious little one was born.  Time really flies when you're having fun and raising kids!





Some things we are loving about Brody right now are:

  • His ability to give and show love to us.  He has been giving hugs and kisses for a while, but it just seems that he really knows what he's doing now and really reciprocates our love.  He is definitely in love with his brother and wants to be near him all the time.  He will often try to sit beside or on top of his brother just to be near him.  His brother, of course, doesn't mind a bit.  However, we discovered from Brody's teacher that he also likes to do similar things to his schoolmates.  He will want to stand close to them, try to sit in a chair with them, etc., and these other one and early two year olds do not understand his desire to be near them and play with them.  I think he is a little advanced in his desire to play with other kids as most kids this age still primarily play by themselves.  They may play near other kids but usually not with them.  Brody has probably been influenced by having an older brother to play with.   
This is how I often find them in our bed when I get home on a late night after school.  Brody is usually snuggled up as close as he can get to his brother. 

Love Brody's hand resting on Evan's shoulder. 
  • Loving that although Brody still isn't talking a whole lot (at least not in a language we can understand), he is communicating his desires very effectively.  If he wants to play ball, he'll get his ball and bring it to us, open our hand, and put the ball in it.  If he wants a snack, he'll go and open the pantry and get something out and bring it to us (he has brought us crackers, cookies, packages of pasta, rice, taco shells, and ice cream cones).  He's not picky...he just wants to eat!  Ha!  
  • Although Brody isn't talking a lot, he  is saying a few words and sounds now.  He says "car" which kind of sounds like "ca" in a Boston-like accent. Ha!  He makes his car sounds very well and will sometimes make a dog sound if asked.  He is also learning his body parts and will put his hands on his head if you ask him where his head is and will grab Daddy's nose if we tell him to get his nose.  Ha!  He points to everything now and will occasionally point to pictures and objects when we ask him about them.  He is definitely learning a lot these days.   
  • Loving that he is still generally a very sweet baby although he does have quite a temper.  Terrible two's already?  Seriously, if he is tired, frustrated about not getting his way, or hungry, he'll turn into a little beast.  He does have a little problem with hitting when he is frustrated, and I cannot wait until he learns to use his words.  Ha!  

Sad face!

Mad face!
  • Loving that he is still a blankie boy!  Yep, blankie will be going to college!  Ha!

My little Linus (from Peanuts)

So cute with his bed hair dragging his blankie all around the house. 

  • Loving that this kid loves school.  He just walks in like he owns that place and is all smiles now.  We did have one incident recently of biting, but I really think it was a defensive move.  He has not bitten in a very long time.  
Up and dressed for school!
  • Loving that he's becoming a daddy's boy.  No one can get him laughing like daddy!  




  • Just loving what a sweet, happy boy we have!  What a blessing!






  1. The Linus picture is ADORABLE!!! Chatham used to drag his blanket around. Now he won't take it out of the car in fear someone might see it. I didn't know 3 year-olds were too cool for blankies!!

    1. Haha! Oh I'm hoping that doesn't happen and he proudly totes that blankie everywhere. :-)

  2. Awwww -- so sweet! What a loving, awesome, sweet little guy. Happy 18 month birthday Brody!!!

    1. Thanks, Natasha! Where have you been? I thought you were doing the daily routine posts? :-)

  3. I can't wait until I can put my kids in the same bed together. In all likelihood it will be MY bed, but it will still be cuddly and delicious.

    Spencer never had a blankie or a lovey, unless you count my left arm. We used to joke that I'd have to cut it out and he'd take that to college with him.

    Brody is a very handsome 1.5 year old. Can you believe he is half way to 2?!

    1. Yep, I had two babies that knew how to self soothe...pretty lucky! Of course, Evan's method was slightly bad for him...thumb sucking! I love the blankie much more. :-) I guess technically he is over halfway to two (like 3/4 I guess), but yes, he is half a year from two. I went way too fast! ;-)


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