Sunday, September 30, 2012

Thanks, Tonka!

While we were at Target hunting for a birthday present for a little boy, I was looking for a little something to entertain Brody in the shopping cart.  He loves cars and trucks so I swiftly grabbed up a Tonka truck since we were on that aisle.  My hand immediately reached for a green pick up truck that had buttons on top to push and hear noises.  I really didn't look too closely at it.  There were red firetrucks and yellow construction vehicles, but my hand automatically sought the green one.  Before I handed it to Brody, I happened to glance at the truck more closely and saw a sticker badge on it.  Upon further inspection, I saw that the badge said U.S. forestry.  Well, you know I had to buy this little $5.99 truck for my little guy who is the son of a forester.  Our daddy works for the North Carolina Forest Service, but it just feels nice to see a company like Tonka recognizing the importance of this profession alongside the other "manly" professions like firefighting and construction.  Protecting our nation's most valuable and important natural resource is a pretty important job after all, and I know our daddy doesn't often feel his work is fully appreciated.

I just love this little truck.  Yes, we have been listening to the truck sounds a lot this weekend.  

Tonka rocks!

Looks pretty similar to Daddy's work truck except his has a mechanics body with water pumps on the back for fire control. 

Someone is very proud showing off their truck. 

I just love the little truck sounds he makes.  He loves his "Tuck" a lot!

That's the face of sheer happiness right there.

On another note, some of you might like to see some of Brody's picasso artwork on display:

I found this going up the stairs this morning.  Brody had beat me up the stairs and decorated them for me.  Yes, that's toilet paper.  We are lucky the roll was almost empty. 

And I just love watching him slide down the stairs on his belly.  He's a fast little slider. 


  1. Has he always had such a fascination with trucks? Oliver is obsessed with wheels lately and I keep thinking about Brody, wondering if he will be just like him!!

    1. Cars and things with wheels were pretty much his first love, Valerie. Evan's first love was definitely a ball...and still is. I'd say there's a pretty good chance that it will stay with him a while. ;-)

  2. That's so awesome that Tonka is going outside the regular "emergency/construction vehicle" framework and recognizing other professions as well. Yay Tonka!

    1. It made me happy anyway. And Brody is quite fond of his little "tuck." ;-)

  3. Yay Tonka! The two trucks really do look pretty similar. I think you should get daddy his very own Tonka to keep in his work truck!

    1. Ha! He'll just have to share with Brody. After I purchased this toy and we got the birthday boy present and were at home later, Evan is like "but I didn't get anything." Ugh, don't you just hate that "I always have to have something" entitlement philosophy? I am working so hard to teach my children that they don't just get toys and stuff all the time and should "earn" it by working hard or doing good things. Ugh!


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