Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Lessons: Marriage and Forgiveness

Our pastor's sermon today was just so inspiring for me and my husband.  I don't think there has been a worse battle against traditional marriage in the whole history of the world as there is raging today.  Everywhere on TV, in the news, on popular shows, in our political leaders, we see marriages failing and people turning to adultery or cohabitation without marriage without the promises that marriage is supposed to instill.  Our pastor had these words to say:  marriage is a covenant, not a contract.  It isn't about what is "legal" or "illegal."  It is about what God created to be a holy union upon which all other facets of civilized society is supposed to be built.  It is the sacred place where children are supposed to be born and raised.  It is not just an Old Testament antiquated belief.  Jesus also supported marriage in this way as he told those who questioned him about divorce that marriage should be as it was originally intended by God at the time of creation.  Divorce has been increasingly on the rise in our society since the whole concept of "no fault" divorce arose in our legal system.  Instead of sticking together and working through difficulties, couples just give up.  To me, that is just the saddest situation...especially when children are involved.  In my belief, the Bible only supports divorce under two circumstances (adultery and desertion).  Until the 1960s, that was also the belief held by this country.  Marriage is about forgiveness.  It is about a union between a man and woman (I am not going to go further into that principle here and now) in which that couple covenants before God to love their spouse "for better and for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health as long as they both shall live."  It is about that couple experiencing both life's joys and life's sorrows and trials together and getting through the rough times together.  My favorite part of the sermon was when the pastor said marriage is about shared memories, and as he stated, if a couple can just make it through the first 5 years, the possibility of success is drastically improved because the couple will have so many shared memories as they weathered storms together and shared wonderful memories together that they will have great difficulty with separation.  I agree.  Although Eddie and I have weathered our fair share of storms, we have so many wonderful memories together during our over 9 years of marriage.  It would be impossible to separate or just throw away those memories with our marriage.  I am now married to my best friend, and it is very hard to leave your best friend!  So while divorce runs rampant in our society and culture, I pray that God will seek to protect what he has deemed sacred.

After the preacher spoke about the Biblical story of Hosea and his wife, a prostitute, who left her husband to go back to her old ways and how her husband relentlessly pursued her and offered her forgiveness, we heard from a real life couple who had been through similar circumstances.  This man is to be admired and praised for his forgiveness of his wife and his reaching out and lovingly pursuing her.  His wife had struggled since childhood with addiction issues (alcohol and drugs) and had been in the lowest of situations.  She had married her husband hoping he could "save" her from this lifestyle.  That is a big mistake!  No human can ever "save" you from sin -- that job belongs only to God.  She became even more miserable and turned back to her old ways.  She left her husband and went with her drug dealer on a trip where she took numerous drugs and was so out of it that she was brutally raped by several men.  Her husband, meanwhile, turned to God and accepted him into his heart.  The husband led by God then relentlessly pursued his wife in love and brought her from this terrible situation she was in.  They are still happily married and sharing their story to hopefully help others.  What a beautiful ending to a heartbreaking story!



  1. I am always relieved to know that every couple struggles within their marriage. I never knew how hard marriage can be until I got into one myself!!

    I really loved this post. I am not a religious person but I feel like I can learn a lot when I read posts like this.

    1. Marriage isn't ever easy, but getting through tough situations together is what makes your marriage stronger and your shared memories (good and bad) bind you together. That's what makes those relationships of couples who have been together for 50 years so special. If it had been easy, their 50th anniversary wouldn't be quite so special!

  2. Great sermon. I do have to say, personally, that being married to Michael is easy. We have had tough times and gotten through a lot of difficulty together, but I've never felt like being married was hard. There has never been a single instance where I felt like life without him would be better than life with him. In fact, I am completely aware of just how much harder I would have it without him by my side. And I say this after almost 11 years of marriage and close to 15 years of being a couple. I think we both picked our partner well and after doing that, the rest just fell into place.

    1. It is definitely great when you find your match, Natalie. I think trusting in God to put you with the person you are meant to be with is definitely key here. I definitely don't think my life would be better without my husband and now that we have been married going on 10 years, I know I couldn't part from him because of everything we've shared together.

  3. Oh wow! And it is sad that people are turning to co-habitation vs getting married. I knew a couple who lived together, got married, had kids, got divorced, after 6 months decided they couldn't be with each other so they went back to co-habitation because marriage was just to "stressful" for them. That's just weird in my opinion but I'm not in their shoes. I love hearing stories of couples who have been married years, it gives hope for the rest of us, especially since divorce seems so wide spread these days. Although those couples who have been married years even will split. My uncle's ex wife looked at him after 25 years of marriage and said when I'm 80 I don't want to be married to you. His girlfriend's ex-husband did similar things to her. But these two are a match made in heaven, I swear :).

    1. Yes, Nicole, those marriages that end after years being together are definitely the saddest. I mean, two people who have been together that long can't simply separate without someone being affected, whether it be children or just other members of the family or friends. I just can't imagine throwing away a lifetime of memories and being "tired" of my spouse. I know we'll get old and our relationship will inevitably change, but I still want us to share in the joys of old age just like we shared in the joys of young age. I want to travel the world with in retirement, hold hands with him as we walk along the beach and reminisce about when our children were little and playing on the beach, and then hold hands with him as we sit on our front porch (I simply must have a big one with rocking chairs by then) and watch our grandchildren playing in the yard. It actually makes me kind of angry when I hear of older folks getting tossed aside by the spouses after years of marriage and raising a family together and trading in for a younger model. It sounds like that's what happened to your uncle and his girlfriend so I am glad they found each other too. I have known quite a few people in that situation as well.

  4. What a great sermon! I love to hear sermons and encouraging stories of marriage. So many give up or settle in a unhappy marriage without working on it. It breaks my heart. Marriage is not easy but so rewarding! The hardest thing about marriage is you have to be selfless, and in our culture having an attitude of service and love is NOT promoted. Having a "ME ME ME" attitude will not only destroy your marriage but other relationships as well.
    Good post Sherry!


    1. Thanks, Lauren! We need to put God back into marriage because he was its creator, and he knows best! Yes, God does reward us through marriage when it is in accordance to His will. And yes, marriage is definitely more give than take, and in this selfish world, it is hard for people to give to another selflessly.

  5. Marriage is so tough but so worth it. And this post was beautiful. Thanks for sharing.


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