Friday, September 28, 2012

He had what in mommy's tummy?

So apparently when boys get together, they like to talk about crazy stuff.  After soccer practice tonight, we went to eat a late dinner with the Smith cousins.  Cousin Lanny decided he wanted to ride with Evan since we now have room for him in our new car.  That is totally a plus to having a bigger ride!  They sat together in the very back so I didn't catch a lot of their conversation, but when we pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, they were apparently talking about pets.  Evan was saying he used to have a pet snake.  I was like, "In what past life was this, Evan?"  No snakes will ever be allowed in my house let me tell you!  He was laughing and being very silly.  Then he said he had a pet snake when he was in Mommy's tummy.  Um, what?  I was like "No, there was not a snake in my tummy.  Ever!"  So I told him I did have a monkey in my tummy named Evan.  Ha!  But really, don't kids have the craziest imaginations?  He has never witnessed a birth, but I couldn't help but wonder if he might have been referring to his umbilical cord as a snake.  He has seen his and Brody's 3D ultrasound pictures.

What do you think?  Does this look like he's playing with a snake to you?  He did have a lot of cord that kept getting in the way of his 3D ultrasound pictures.

I don't think so.  I hope he doesn't think one of these will ever be welcome in my home...



  1. No way! Spencer is always talking about the things he did while inside of me. Among other things, he watched a lot of TV, went to the movies, went out to eat, went to the mall, had a refrigerator, took showers, slept in a big bed, played sports and went to school. Inside of me. All of that. And more.

    I thought my kid was the only one to have such a weird imagination. Apparently he and Evan have been blog buddies too.

    1. Haha! I bet he had a swimming pool or jacuzzi too. Amazing how their lives were so much better before they were born, huh? Ha!

  2. That just makes my skin crawl. But kudos to Evan for having such a vivid imagination. Sounds like Evan and Spencer would make really great friends!

    1. Ha! Yeah, mine too! I don't even know what those boys were talking about, but Evan has never had any interest in snakes before so I don't know why he would suddenly say he had a pet snake. Just weird!

  3. Sam is always asking me, "But what did I DO in your tummy Mommy?" Apparently growing and making me sick wasn't productive enough for him!


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