Monday, August 27, 2012

Baby Talk

Brody seems to have second child syndrome when it comes to talking.  He has been gibber gabbering a lot lately, and we think we have figured out more and more of what he is trying to say.  He seems to say something that sounds like "this" and "that" a lot when he points to stuff.  We think he says "ball" although it sounds more like "dall" when he is throwing a ball.  "Da" seems to be his favorite sound still.  He has been saying "mama" and "dada" for a while.  When he calls for Evan, he yells, "Ehhhhhhhhh!"  With Evan, his first distinguishable words came well before his first birthday and were actually always very coherent.  We think Brody is actually more typical of babies.  Ball was Evan's first word and first love, and he actually said "cake cake" on his first birthday.  We actually think Brody just said his first "coherent" word last night.  He loves my glasses and is always trying to take them off my face.  He hears "No, don't take my glasses!" a lot.  Last night, he was sitting on the bed with us, and he tried to take my glasses again.  He got hold of them and was saying something that sounded very much like "glasses."  The most pronounced part was the "sses" part.  Then, after I took them away, he was pointing and pulling at the monkey on his shirt wearing sunglasses and saying the word over and over.


Yep, we think he's got that one figured out!



  1. Sam also talked really early and we don't think Rachel has said anything consistently or coherently yet. I can't wait for her to talk. And then I'll probably want her to be quiet for a bit :)

    1. It's the second child syndrome, Natasha! ;-)

  2. You know I'm a pediatric speech language pathologist, so if you ever want to talk in more detail about his speech and language skills, let me know.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Oh, I figured I could count on you if and when I needed some advice. I don't think I really need to worry yet, do I? I kind of thought he's pretty typical of a second child. My nephew who is the third child barely talked before he was 3, but he talks pretty well now when he can get a word in with all his siblings. Brody just seems so laid back...taking "forever" to crawl then walk and now talk. He babbles a lot, and he mimics the sounds we make more and more. I was really happy with the glasses thing because it really showed that he understands a lot more than he lets on and associated the glasses on my face with the ones on the monkey.


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