Monday, July 30, 2012

What I'm Lovin' Monday #5

The Sweet Life of the Reeses

I am going to keep up this Monday lovin' thing because it is a good way to start my week on a happy note.  I have so many new things to love each week (that usually do involve my children because let's face it...they are the loves of my life!).    

Loving the Olympics!  Who isn't?  I love watching with my boys and seeing Evan develop a whole new appreciation for his country as he walks/runs around the house chanting "Go America!"  His favorites so far have been volleyball and ping pong.  Ha!  My favorites are swimming and diving and gymnastics.  I have a feeling our national anthem will become a regular theme song in our house as Evan tends to hum or sing tunes that he likes or gets stuck in his head.  I'm glad because maybe that'll replace the Star Wars music.


Loving that I only have two more classes left of summer school and get a couple weeks break before fall semester starts...although I do have a final paper to write.  It's been a fine class, but I am DONE!

Loving doughnuts!  Oh yes, hot Krispy Kreme ones!  But who doesn't?


Loving babies who are starting to look and act like big boys!  This weekend, this baby has really been acting like such a toddler.  He is walking independently more and more, and I get excited every time I see him making his way across the room on his own.  I love when he climbs into one of his chairs (this one in the living room that is big brother's or one in the playroom at his little table) on his own and turns around and just looks so big!  Of course, it makes me a little sad too that my baby boy is growing up so fast.


Loving boys who love the water.  Brody has learned a few new tricks lately at the pool.  Apparently, he likes to dip his head backwards into the water to wet his hair and also is doing better keeping his head out of the water when floating on his tummy.  We may have started him a little early in his swim vest, but he doesn't like riding in a float so we needed something.



Loving this face, but what else is new!


Reminds me a lot of this picture of Evan at about the same age since they both look like they are going to eat me!  (This comparison is for you, Natalie, since I know how much you love them!)


Loving boys having a sword fight together.  I wish I had gotten a better video of this one.  They surprised me when they came into my room with swords.  Brody was so cute swinging his sword while attempting to walk and coming after his big brother.  I think they had been watching fencing!  Yes, I see lots of this action in my future.  The video is a little dark and hard to see in the beginning, and I wish I would have gotten the video started earlier.  I open the curtains in the room about halfway into the video, but Brody then takes more interest in the window and curtain than the fight.  Still cute though!



  1. I love the comparison! Isn't it funny how you can have thousands of pictures of your kid and you're still able to remember a specific one? I'm willing to bet you knew exactly (give or take a few weeks) when you took it. Also, every day that Elliott get older, I am happy. But every day that Spencer gets older I am sad. Apparently I like toddlers and preschoolers!

    1. You know it, Natalie. Luckily, it was already on my online photo sharing site from a previous post so it was pretty easy to find and embed it again. I think 12 to 18 months is my favorite age group so I'm enjoying Brody's age right now...although he is into everything! I do love that Evan is learning so much these days too, but I'm sure I'll shed some tears on that dreadful first day of kindergarten. :-(

  2. Hi Sherry! What a fab linky party. Beat the Monday blues with some loving! ;) Will join you soon too!

    1. Awww, that be awesome, Sandra! I can't wait to read yours!


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