Monday, July 2, 2012

What I'm Lovin' Monday #1

The Sweet Life of the Reeses

Monday gets the worst rap, I think.  It is often labeled the worst day of the week because we have to leave behind a fun and/or relaxing weekend to dive into another work or school week.  I am doing both this and school!  But in an effort to look at the brighter side of things these days, I'll share a few things I am loving right now and am thankful for.

  • Loving the great sales that I found this weekend.  In an effort to beat the heat, we did a little shopping.  We hit up Target, Old Navy, and my favorite kids' shop at the mall (Janie & Jack).  The kids and I got some great deals!  
Is this dress not the cutest?  I wore it yesterday to church, and it was so comfy.  Actually, our whole family wore green (we're just cool like that).  Haha!
Yep, I'm wearing this one today.  I love the really brightens up a Monday!
Love all these finds for the boys.  The boys wore their green outfits yesterday to match my green dress.   All of the shirts were under $10 each at Janie & Jack.

  • Loving church yesterday although Brody was being a little stinker and wanted to play.  When we try to take him to nursery, we end up having to go and get him because he cries so much...hoping preschool in August will help with this separation anxiety.  I love our church!  It is such a great diverse mix of old and new.  It is pretty modern and large (we attend the main campus of Forest Hill but our church has started satellite churches all over the city).  Our pastor has been there for over 30 years!  He's such a wonderful leader and example, and as a pastor's child, I understand that if a pastor is not being a good shepherd, God will see that he is taken away from the flock.  This man is obviously a good shepherd and his messages are always filled with hope and promise and very relevant to today.  He actually used to play basketball for the Tarheels (something else he has going for him).  He actually takes a little sabbatical in the summer to read and refresh his mind (we all need that as Christians but our leaders need it more) and we have some great Associate Pastors that fill in.  This sermon was brought by a young minister that heads one of the satellite campuses.  The sermon series is on the role of the church as Jesus intended (from Ephesians) and is so relevant to today when so many people do not understand the true role of the church.  There is supposed to be "one" church...a global network of believers supporting each other and working to save the lost.  The music is usually modern and upbeat, but yesterday, our young music leader led the congregation in "Victory in Jesus" (a classic old southern hymn), and it was just so moving!  

  • Loving husbands who take both kids to the grocery store by himself while I am working.  We have a new nanny starting tomorrow so prayers that she is a good fit are appreciated!  
  • Loving babies who are almost walking.  Brody's taking 3 or 4 steps on his own.  His main issue is that he just is not motivated!  He is perfectly content to crawl around and needs a lot of encouragement to walk.  He would take steps towards Mommy, Daddy, and big brother. 
  • Loving babies who eat their celery!  
Yep, that's our baby munching on a celery stick!
  • Loving that I'll be home with my boys two extra days this week.  Tomorrow, I'll be "training" a new nanny, and Wednesday is the 4th of July!  Happy Independence Day, ya'll!
So I'm thinking of making this a weekly post.  If any followers are interested in linking up, please share your loves for the week and add your blog post to the linky below.  Grab the button from my sidebar or at the top of this post and add it to your post so other bloggers can find us.   


  1. Ok, I'll admit it. I'm that dork that loves to be matching too! (Not that you're a dork by any means!) If my hubby & I are going somewhere I always ask him what he's wearing first so that I can try to match. He always rolls his eyes, but I know secretly he loves it too. Ah church, isn't it such a refreshing to your spirit. There is nothing like a good church service, and I although I love to get down to some modern praise & worship, I love the old hymns too. As for the Monday Lovin' Link Up, you know I will participate when I can. So if you figure it out, I'll link it up :)
    Hope you have a great week!

  2. I really like this! It's nice to have something upbeat on a Monday when it's sometimes not quite so exciting a day.

    I'm a little scared...I'm banking on Oliver being able to walk before Dos gets here. Oh Valerie should have thought this through does one carry a year old around whilst 8 months pregnant? Oy!!!!

    I LOVE the clothes, by the way. Seriously, that dress is to die for.

  3. You two girls are so sweet, and I love following your blogs! Candi, I am definitely working on learning this link up business...haha! Yes, I love matching although my husband usually is the one who tries to match me...he's a weirdo, I know. Valerie, I am sure you can handle it. My oldest did the more normal cruising around when he was about 9 months and then finally let go and walked by 13 months...he was just very cautious. The youngest is more unusual (in my opinion). He just has "no" interest in walking (he took longer crawling too for the same reason). He's so strong though and will climb on anything! Haha! Yes, I just love a good deal, don't you? If you are looking for some cute new maternity clothes, Old Navy was always a great store for me. There clothes are comfy and easy to care for. I love soft cotton and jersey knit fabrics when I'm prego! :-)

  4. Love that green dress. We are doing a baptism completion ceremony for Elliott in a few weeks and I need something new/cute to wear (he had an emergency baptism in the hospital when he was very sick with sepsis, so this is the ceremony with the prayers, etc). I still have all this dang baby weight though, so I am hating my body right now. My fault. I've done nothing to lose it, but still.....


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