Thursday, May 17, 2012

Our New Neighborhood Park

Evan has really enjoyed our neighborhood's new park this Spring.  His nanny takes him on pretty days after school.  Mommy and Daddy don't get to go as much with him, but one weekend when Grandma was visiting, Mommy and Grandma took him to play while Daddy stayed home with Brody to let him nap.  The old neighborhood playground was getting kind of old and dilapidated so the neighborhood association decided it was time to invest in new equipment.  They moved the location of the playground and added a nice security fence all the way around it.  We love that our neighborhood invests money in making our neighborhood more beautiful and family friendly!

Testing out the new equipment.

It amazes me how quickly he has gone from being one of the "babies" at the park to being one of the big boys! All the little kids just love him and look up to him.  

Running around acting silly. 

Showing Grandma his new playground. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh that playground makes ME want to play on it!!


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