Monday, August 22, 2011


Well, Mommy is heading back to school at night for another long semester of law school. 2 years down, 2 to go! Can’t believe we’ve made it this far. This is a particularly hard semester because it is the first one that I will be leaving my sweet little 4 month old baby. Yes, I hugged him very tight this morning!  This week is going to be a really tough one because I am still working full time so I will be gone from 8:30 in the morning until after 9:00 at night Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. I am looking forward to it getting a little better after this week when I will be working reduced hours so that I can do an Elder Law Clinic during the day and come home for a few hours in the afternoon to be with my sweet boys. The Elder Law Clinic is also something I am pretty excited about because it is an area of law I have worked in and really enjoy. I get to help some wonderful elderly people handle their personal and financial affairs. I am also taking Decedents Estates (formerly Wills & Trusts) which may also be a possible area of law for my future practice. All in all, I am looking forward to a good semester and year!

And yes, Evan will be starting pre-K in a couple of weeks after Labor Day (and our little vacation...yippee!) so we are pretty excited about that. Pictures will definitely be taken honoring that BIG event! We hope to be meeting his teachers in a few days!

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