Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day, Anniversary...someone's missing!

So Daddy has been gone for a week now on another firefighting adventure missing his first Father's Day with Brody, his 8th anniversary with his lovely wife, and the birth of our sweet little niece, Cate (more on that later).  I want to wish him a very Happy Father's Day because he is truly the best daddy any kid could ask for.  He is so loving and gentle and so fun and entertaining too.  He and Evan just laugh together all the time!  Before we had kids, we agreed we wanted them to have the happiest childhood EVER so we have been really working on that.  We all love him to pieces and our home just isn't the same without him.  While I really want to celebrate these special events with him, without him I just want to throw myself a little pity party.  I try to only post about the good times because I want our children to remember all the good times we shared together, but I guess it will be good for them to know that we also got through the rough times together too.  This week has definitely been a rough one for Mommy.  Even though Nana and Papa have been here all week helping to watch the boys while Mommy was in class, it has still been stressful for Mommy pulling double parenting duty.  We have been so lucky the last month and a half because Daddy's job has allowed him to spend so much time with us.  He has been such a big help taking care of Brody and entertaining Evan while Mommy had to care for Brody.  Mommy has been a little spoiled having him around so much, and when he left, she nearly panicked at Chick-fil-a thinking how was she going to even load both boys into the car by herself.  Ha!  Papa has really been a big help with that task, but Mommy has still been exhausted this week.  It hasn't helped that she came down with a fever on Thursday night that has persisted through the weekend.  We are just counting down the days until Daddy returns home to take care of all his babies!  I guess this post really is meant to honor our Daddy because it shows how much we really need him.

We love you, Daddy!

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