Monday, February 28, 2011

32 Weeks ~ Enjoying the beautiful weather!

To commemorate and remember this beautiful Spring-like weather we have been having, I decided to wear my only pair of maternity shorts yesterday and let Daddy take a picture.  It just felt so good outside!  Beware of my super white legs though!  ;-)

Mommy and Evan can still have fun together despite Mommy's big belly!

Listening for Baby Brody.

Mommy and Daddy bought some new items for the baby this weekend with some Babies R Us coupons that were about to expire.  We saved almost $100 so that felt good.  We wanted a sit and stand stroller that both Evan and Brody can ride in when Mommy has to venture out with the two of them.  Evan can still ride in a stroller that is made for up to 40 lbs. although he usually prefers walking, but I know that with two children, it will be very hard for Mommy to keep up with them both.  We also wanted to purchase a new monitor system because we have been using Evan's for about 4 years now and still keep it in his room to hear when he wakes up or is playing in his room.  We still stuck with the Angelcare monitor system because we loved Evan's so much, but we did buy the newer model that has more channels, monitors nursery temperatures, and has a longer range.  It still has the sensor pad for SIDS prevention that we absolutely don't think we could live without!  I am such a worrier!  This monitor system is definitely my all time top choice for baby necessities. 

We also purchased some curtains and shades for the baby's room that will look cute and regulate the light coming into the room when baby is sleeping.  The nursery is coming together although I still have a long list of things to finish.  We have been so busy, and with Eddie being on call so much for fires lately, we haven't gotten as much done as I had hoped.  Plus, my brother and his large family are moving (still in Charlotte though) and needed all the help they could get with that process.  Wow, a family of almost six accumulates a lot of stuff!  ;-) 

Dear God,

Thank you so much for allowing us to have a beautiful week with great weather and for the precious gift you are delivering to us in our beautiful Brody!  Please guide us in our preparations and help us to be the best parents we can be to both of our boys. 


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