Sunday, January 16, 2011

Evan Goes Sledding...sort of!

After our "big" snowstorm last Monday, it started sleeting and freezing rain that left a cold, slick mess all over everything all week.  On Tuesday, the snow was covered with a hard crusty layer of ice.  Daddy and Evan decided they would attempt some sledding on the slick stuff.  Evan was light enough to be able to skim over the ice, but it didn't really work out too well for Daddy.  We have a little hill between our house and the neighbor's that was just the right size for Evan. 

Daddy pulling Evan on his "sled."  Yes, it was a beach boogie board...we improvise in the South!

Just a little push from Daddy.

So proud he could do it all by himself.

Not even upset when he fell off the sled.

I just can't get over how beautiful he is sometimes!

Holding onto the rope and steering. 


Hey, where's the sled?

Just chilling out on his sled.

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