Thursday, December 23, 2010

22 Weeks!


We are at 22 weeks and into our 5th month.  I am feeling the little man more and more so I know he is getting stronger and more active.  It is so hard to believe that next year, he will be crawling around and getting into the Christmas tree.  I just can't imagine what our home will be like with two kids.  I will be surrounded by boys!  I will be so loved! 

I don't think there is any way I could hide this pregnancy now.  He is about the size of a spaghetti squash (I'm not really sure what that looks like though), and weighs almost a whole pound!  He should be beginning to look more like a little newborn and less like our little alien baby too.  We are looking forward to enjoying this special Christmas with Evan...his last as an only child! 

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