Saturday, July 24, 2010

Summer Play Date at the Pool

So Mommy has tried to keep Evan super busy the last couple of weeks while Daddy has been away.  Last weekend, we had a special pool playdate with Evan's best school chum, Bryant.  We also wanted to meet a little boy that we are babysitting this weekend.  This group of guys is really a ton of fun so Mommy had a good time too! 

Evan and Bryant in the pool.

Pretending they had bumper boats.

He has loved and used this little car float since he was an infant.  So sweet.  He used to sit in it in the house too!  Oh and I just love that his tongue is hanging out.  Silly boy!

This little guy liked the car float too.

Evan's friend, Bryant, had a great time in the pool.

Auntie Jen and Bryant (a.k.a. her Scoop of Lovin') enjoying some pool time.

Bryant wanted to hold hands with Evan.  Awww!

And of course pool time is followed by nap time!

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