Friday, July 3, 2009

Evan's Dedication!

Since we had moved to Charlotte shortly after Evan was born and were getting established in a new church, we waited longer to dedicate him. On June 8, 2008 (Emma's birthday), we were put on the dedication schedule at our church. We had already witnessed our nephew Lanny's dedication at this church and knew how sweet their service was. They handled dedications after the 11:15 service, and before the dedications, all parents are asked to renew their vows to each other. We did participate and took those vows very seriously! After the minister charges the parents with the responsibilities required by God, one of the parents (usually the dad) is asked to say a special prayer. Most dads prefer to write their prayer beforehand. Eddie did an amazing job (with a little help from Sherry) in saying a prayer of thanks and supplication for God's assistance in raising our little guy. It was a beautiful and memorable experience!

Since Evan was over a year old at his dedication, we didn't think the traditional "christening gown" would be appropriate and would just make him look silly. Mommy had always wanted him to have a traditional sailor suit.  There is just nothing cuter on a child than a sailor suit! She found a beautiful white sailor suit with the classic red tie and navy trim, and it looked great on our little man.

Here are some pictures from this glorious occasion:

Evan's dedication portrait ~ I just love the sweetness of this photo and how it almost looks like he's praying and looking up to heaven!

A family photo!

Finally got all the Smiths to cooperate for a group shot!

A Reese family photo!

Being silly while Mommy was trying to get him dressed!

Sweet smile!

Silly smile!

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