Saturday, June 13, 2009

Evan's 1st Halloween ~ 2007

For Evan's 1st halloween, we had a hard time deciding what we wanted him to be! What could be cuter than our adorable little boy? We went through several ideas, a hotdog, a football player, etc., but none seemed to work! He was getting more mobile so we didn't think the "bunting" style costumes would work for him either. Finally, we found this adorable monkey with the banana peel, and it fit him perfectly! Since we were now in Charlotte, we got to go trick or treating with our niece, Emma, and nephew, Lanny, and it was great fun! Emma and Lanny made an adorable bride and groom, and Evan was their cute little pet monkey! :o)

Here are some pictures of the best halloween ever:

Monkey see, Monkey do!

The bride and groom with their pet monkey!

Our adorable little monkey!

An adorable monkey and his little sheep friend!

We stopped and used someone's yard decorations to take this picture of Evan! We thought it just turned out great!

So happy with his daddy!

Mommy & her little monkey are tired after a long night of trick or treating!

Emma made a beautiful little bride but let's hope we have many many years before she becomes a real bride!

Lanny looked so handsome in his own "monkey suit"! He looks like he's picking up his prom date!

Just married? Is this legal?

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