Monday, May 25, 2009

Evan's 3rd Month ~ First Trip to the Beach!

3 month old Evan

Evan goes to the beach!

During the last week of May 2007, Eddie had to go to fight a wildfire in Wilmington, NC. Eddie's mother and sister had come and stayed with Mommy and Evan for Memorial Day weekend, but after they left, it was very lonely for Mommy! Her sister-in-law, Jessica, niece Emma, and nephew Lanny were spending the week at Ocean Isle Beach so Sherry decided to drive down there to spend time with them. She also wanted to stop by and see her hubby on the way to the beach! Now, I know what you are all thinking...was I crazy to drive alone for over 4 hours with a little baby in the backseat? Actually, it was really very easy! Evan slept all the way from Hertford almost to Wilmington where we stopped to see Eddie! Mommy was worried about him needing to eat, but she assumed if he was sleeping so peacefully, he must be fine. She woke him up to see his Daddy and to eat. The nightmare started when they got back on the road after this stop because Evan screamed constantly! Oh well, at least it was only another 45 minutes to Ocean Isle! The weather at the beach was beautiful, and Mommy took Evan into the calm water. He loved it!

Here are some pictures of our little beach bum:



Going to Charlotte!

In June 2007, Eddie began his new job as the County Forester of Mecklenburg County. Luckily, the State of North Carolina would pay for us to stay in temporary accommodations for 3 months to give us time to find a new place to live! We were already trying to sell our little house, but we knew it may take a while to find a buyer in our very rural area. While we were staying at an extended stay hotel, Sherry took advantage of the pool and took Evan for his first swim.

Here are some pictures of Evan's first swim:




More Pictures from Evan's 3rd month!

Evan spent a lot of time in his rainforest bouncey seat!

Daddy is already teaching Evan to be a fighter! Luckily, Mommy is teaching him to be a lover!

So little in this great big bed!

He's got cute little horsey feet!

Evan's first Strasburg outfit! :o)

Definitely a Daddy's boy!

Mommy's Baby

Grandma had to show Evan off at her church!

Great-Grandpa's Buddy

So cute sleeping! I loved this cute little T-shirt from Janie and Jack!

We also had Evan's special 3 month pictures and our first family portrait taken. We used our wedding photographer, and she did a great job. We have a beautiful "precious parts" framed masterpiece that shows off all his very precious little parts...hands, booty, feet, eyes, face!

Here are some of the pictures from this portrait session:

First Family Portrait


Eddie and I loved this picture of us, but we couldn't see Evan's beautiful face!

Evan's 3 month portrait ~ even a little hint of a smile!

One of the pictures of Evan's "precious parts"! You gotta love it!

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